Polyvagal Theory.

The research of Stephen Porges, PhD has re-envisioned the conventional notion of the two branch ANS (“fight/flight” vs. “rest/rebuild”) and replaced it with a new concept, the “Polyvagal Theory”. Based on his findings, he named a new branch of the ANS (hence the term ‘poly’-vagal), which he has called the Social Nervous system, made up of …


For individuals and small groups I offer the following resources. Each link will take you to a page with more information concerning individual services. Equine Facilitated Therapy Somatic Psychotherapy Yoga Group Clinics: Addiction and Eating Disorder Recovery Clinic & Pain Management Clinic Workshops, gatherings and skills classes (ranging from herbalism to embodied movement, sensuality, play, …

BCST and the 12 steps.

I have explored my current understanding of the parallels between BCST and the 12 Step Process of Recovery from addiction in the paper below. Please contribute and message me with your ideas and feedback! BCST-and-the-12-steps.- (1)BCST-and-the-12-steps.-1 (2)


Often when people hear about people with addiction, or in recovery, they are most curious as to what they are in recovery from; rather than the what happened to the individual that required an addiction to survive. Whatever someone’s drug, process, substance of choice, is to a certain extent irrelevant and even at times a …