Hello and welcome to the site…I imagine you are here because you are considering therapy of some sort in this moment of your life. In the following pages, I will outline a bit about myself, and both my professional background and clinical approach so that you can get a sense of how I work and whether you would like to book an initial session.

How I work…

I work with compassion and humour to support clients to accept and welcome all of themselves and all of their experience; and tune into their inherent sense of self compassion, connection and wellbeing…. Essentially I support you to thrive where your two feet are planted, at any given moment.

Over the past fifteen years I have worked with clients in a variety of ways, facilitating group process and therapy, psycho-education lessons and one to one therapy sessions, in both private practice and for addiction and trauma treatment centers and other organizations. I currently offer both groups and one to one therapy.

In the past few years I have specialised in offering services for expats, immigrants and eternal travellers, who face a certain set of challenges unique to those who have ‘left home’.

Twenty percent of your fees go towards supporting my services for refugees and displaced peoples.

What I offer…

I work in a culturally sensitive way, drawing synergistically from the modalities of Somatic psychotherapy; Psychoeducation, Ecopsychology, Trauma informed stabilisation and integration work, the creative arts (art, dance, writing, etc) and (for in person clients) Equine Facilitated Therapy. I offer short and long term therapy.

My approach integrates traditional wisdom and healing practices, larger systems theory (studying the social and individual impacts of culture) and somatic based therapy and trauma resolution. I am passionate about discovering, living and sharing more and more deeply what it is to be human. I believe that we heal and evolve as a collective. I love sharing tools and information that change the way we think, feel and relate: enriching and transforming our sense of self, relationships, lives and society. 

My goal as a practitioner is to support you to identify and inhabit your strengths, find your own solutions, live and love more fully, honouring what you value and construct a creative, compassionate and empowering frame to hold yourself and circumstances within.

Next Step…

I offer a free intial fifteen minute consult for us to get a sense of whether we are a good working match to partner on your journey.

Although I offer both long and short term therapy, at present I am offering new clients a sesssion structure that is clear and time limited. In our first session we will establish the focus of a piece of therapeutic work we will commit to do together; and a fixed number of sessions that will create the container for this journey (typically 1-15 sessions). (Clients are always welcome back, schedule allowing!)

Within this frame, we will focus on your present and future needs; and creative soloutions and realistic changes that you can implement and experience. I will help you develop tools and skills, based on your current strengths, that you can use moving forward. These tools and skills may help you change harmful behaviors, achieve life goals, and manage difficult situations.

I work together with clients in developing:

  • A compassionate curious theraputic container where everything is welcome.
  • A safe space in themeselves and lives within which to heal and flourish.
  • Familiarity with – Appreciation of – and Confidence in – their strengths.
  • Embodied confidence, presence and compassion
  • Curiosity – sensitivity – presence and attunmeent to their inner world and experience
  • Congruence
  • Cultural contextualisation and empowerment
  • Developing and deepening understanding, compassion, reciprocity, safety, boundaries and connection within interpersonal relationships
  • Re-establishing felt connection to the natural world as a felt resource and ground
  • A focus on building solutions rather than wrestling with, controlling or solving problems.
  • Deepening and expanding what is working and maintaining a focus that is constructive and healing.
  • New ways to interact, think, and behave that differ from current patterns to create desired change.
  • Small changes that will lead to more significant and permanent ones.
  • Creating a space in session and more and more in your life where you can find and live your own creative and unique solutions to challenges you face.
  • … and ….. nurturing what makes them GLOW and what brings JOY !

Please reach out to book an intial complimentary meeting if you are interested in working together.

Contact details : / full.bloom.therapy.biarritz@gmail.com

Registered member of BACP: 00951759

SIRET: 83424073100036